February 25, 2016 | By Charles Lowenhuapt

Significant wealth and family dynamics are always complex, but some aspects don’t change from generation to generation—or from continent to continent.

I was reminded of that during a recent trip to Sydney. Speaking at an event with a number of wealth holders and wealth inheritors, I had numerous conversations I’ve heard repeated again and again in the U.S., Europe and Asia. They go like this: Wealth creators say their children are aimless and lack their passion and direction. Family money, they say, has made their adult children soft. They bemoan the fact that the children lack “motivation.”
 For their part, adult children complain that their parents are
 too controlling. The children say they are passionate about
 their ideas and their future, but their overbearing parents 
are unwilling to help them use a small portion of the family
 fortune to change the world or fund their projects.Read More